
LockText Property


set the lockText of <object> to <boolean> Applies to datasheets, fields


The lockText property determines whether the text of a field or cell of a dataSheet can be edited. The default value is false, which allows editing. For fields, if the Browse cursor is moved over a text area in which lockText is set to false, the cursor becomes an I-beam. Clicking in such an area establishes a text insertion point. If a field's lockText property is true, the cursor does not change and text cannot be inserted. For fields, when the lockText property is false, the messages mouseDown, mouseStillDown, and mouseUp are not sent to the object when you click in a field, although they are sent when the user clicks on the field or dataSheet label. When lockText is true, the messages openField and closeField are not sent when the user clicks in the field. For dataSheets, when the lockText property is false, clicking in a cell allows you to edit the contents of that cell. Pressing Enter on the Macintosh or Windows moves the insertion point one cell to the right. If the insertion point is in the last column (column 256), pressing the right arrow key or Enter places the insertion point in the first column of the next row. Pressing the left arrow key at this point would place the insertion point in the last column of the previous row. For dataSheets, when the lockText property is true, the dataSheet behaves exactly like a pickList when the user clicks in it: clicked rows are selected and hilited. Note that you can still import data into a dataSheet when this property is true; you simply cannot perform cell-level editing.


This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.